Request for Proposal
RFP No. 10-2019
Natural Gas Pretreatment and Liquefaction Unit
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals to provide a natural gas
pretreatment and liquefaction unit to complete the Titan Facility Project Expansion in
accordance with the enclosed documents. Braemar and Coffman Engineers Inc. (Coffman)
have been retained by Interior Gas Utility (IGU) to develop and manage the RFP process for
the project.
If Bidder requires additional information, it must request that such information be furnished in writing by IGU from the designated contact identified herein. Requests for clarification or additional information must be submitted electronically before the deadline specified in the RFP Process Schedule and contain a clear description of the clarification requested. All Clarification Requests are to be sent via email to the following people:
- Oscar Ramirez
- Katie Johnson
Bid closes May 10, 2019.