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IGU News & Announcements
Press Release 11/06/2024 – Interior Gas Utility Awarded $90k for Grant for Safety and Modernization of Natural Gas Infrastructure
Natural Gas Distribution Infrastructure Safety and Modernization (NGDISM) Grant Press Release
Interior Gas Utility on the Move!
The Interior Gas Utility (IGU) purchased the former A&W Wholesale building at 2525 Phillips Field Road. The utility’s lease at its current location, 3408 International Street is set to expire at the end of August, [...]
Interior Gas Utility announces long term sale and purchase agreement with Hilcorp
On Tuesday, January 19, 2021, the Interior Gas Utility Board of Directors adopted a resolution authorizing the General Manager to execute a gas sale and purchase agreement between IGU and Hilcorp, Alaska LLC. The agreed-upon [...]
IGU RFP 03-2020 Lobbying Services
The Interior Gas Utility (IGU) is seeking proposals for the purpose of establishing a term contract with a Lobbyist firm qualified and available to provide a full range of Lobbying servicesto the IGU. The contractor [...]
IGU is Steering Closer to Natural Gas for North Pole
The Interior Gas Utility (IGU) is pleased to announce that we are moving the two 75,000 gallon storage tanks from the Fairbanks site to the new North Pole Storage Facility. Download Here
Titan Plant Expansion Pause Will Not Affect New Service for the Interior
The Interior Gas Utility (IGU) is currently taking applications for new service in Fairbanks and North Pole and will be installing new service lines beginning in June as planned. IGU is currently filling the 5.25 [...]
RFP 02-2020 – Distribution Gas Main Extensions & Service Line Installations
Request for Proposals For Establishing Term Contracts for Distribution Gas Main Extensions And Service Line Installations In the Fairbanks North Star Borough Solicitation IGU RFP 02-2020 Issued April 17, 2020 Notice is hereby given that [...]
IGU Suspends Non-Payment Disconnects & Late Fees
Recognizing the significant impact that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on our community, effective March 11, 2020, FNG is temporarily*** suspending: Service disconnects for non-payment; and Assessment of late payment fees. Customers should continue to [...]