The IGU Interior Gas Utility (IGU) has released an RFP for contract for Contract Management Services.

Public notice is given that the Interior Gas Utility (IGU), with the assistance of the FNSB, will receive sealed proposal to identify and contract for the project management, staff and support services needed to provide the IGU Board of Directors with the necessary manpower and resources to be successful in its mission, and to serve as the representative of the Board of Directors in the day-to-day business of the Utility. A pre-proposal conference  will held onSeptember 12, 2013 @ 9:00 AM at Ester Conference Room. Proposals will be received until October 01, 2013 at 5:00 p.m.

IGU proposals documents are available for viewing online on September 3 , 2013 below or at and available in the Purchasing Office at 809 Pioneer Road in Fairbanks, Alaska.

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