3408 International Street
Fairbanks, AK 99701
(907) 374-4474
Request for Bids
IGU RFP 04-2019-R
IGU North Pole LNG Storage Facility Ground Improvement
Notice is hereby given that the Interior Gas Utility is requesting Bid Submittals on the above project to be constructed in North Pole, Alaska.
Submittal of Solicitation Documents will be received at the address above until 5:00 p.m., local time, on the following dates: September 10, 2019.
There will be a pre-bid conference at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, August 30, 2019, at the office of PDC Engineers, 1028 Aurora Drive, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709. Attendance by telephone will be permitted for those interested bidders by notifying PDC when registering for the plan holders list and providing the required contact information. The Call-in Number is 1-800-315-6338, Access Code 10283#.
The work generally consists of, but is not necessarily limited to, construction of ground improvements beneath the future bullet tanks and building.
A complete set of Solicitation Documents for this project is available online at PDC’s FTP site at this address: Bidders must register at PDC by calling Kathy McCready at 452-1414 to be added to the plan holders list(s).
Publish Dates: 8/25, 8/28, 9/1, and 9/4