Natural Gas Application

Get Natural Gas for your Home or Business

Natural Gas Application Process

Interested in getting natural gas to your home or business? You are in the right place! Just follow the process below.


Fill out the Gas Service Request
If we have a natural gas distribution line by your location, one of our customer service representatives will contact you within a few days with a confirmation. If natural gas is not immediately available to you, we will retain your application and contact you when we can extend our distribution lines to your location.

>> Request Gas Service


Able to Get Service?
When availability is confirmed, fill out the New Service Agreement and pay the $350 (residential) or $500 (commercial) application fee. The fee includes up to 100 feet of service line, meter installation, and an excess flow valve.

>> New Service Agreement


Site Survey
Once we receive your New Service Agreement and fees, IGU will schedule a site survey. Our representative will come to your property and discuss meter placement and service line route with you. These items will be consistent with our current standards of construction.

Site surveys don’t typically begin until May.


Service Line Installation
You can expect two communications; an email when you are assigned to a construction crew and a call 48 hours before they arrive on your property to install. This installation includes your pipe, riser, and meter bar. You are not required to be present during your installation.

IGU construction season typically runs between June 15 and September 30.


Turn On Service
Have your contractor complete your indoor piping, connect to the meter bar and perform a pressure test. When these steps are completed, submit the Gas Turn on Request. IGU will then come out to hang your meter and turn on your gas service!

>> Gas Turn On Request


Pressure Test Certification

If you didn’t have the pressure test results when you submitted your Gas Turn on Request, please send them here. IGU requires receipt of certification of pressure testing prior to turning on natural gas service.

>> Pressure Test Certification