IGU RFP 06-2019 – Natural Gas Metering and Regulating System Module

The Interior Gas Utility (IGU) is developing a Liquid Natural Gas Storage facility in North Pole, Alaska. In conjunction with the general construction work for this facility, IGU is requesting proposals for the purchase of a natural gas metering and regulating system. The module is to be employed to meter and regulate natural gas that has been produced by the regasification of liquefied natural gas (LNG).

RFP documents, specifications, and drawings may be downloaded from the IGU website at the web address of desiring to be notified of addenda must notify the project manager/procurement officer as listed below. Addenda issued will be posted on the IGU website.

Vendors interested in responding are to submit their proposal by e-mail to or they may provide one hard copy and one electronic copy in PDF format on CD or USB drive in a sealed envelope or package to the IGU Office, 3408 International Street, Fairbanks, Alaska, Attention: Bruce Robson

Proposals must be received by IGU before close of business on December 30, 2019 January 6, 2020.
Questions must be submitted in writing to
Published On IGU Website: 12/11/2019